Let your mind be renewed by this: God cannot lie. God is love…. “The steadfast love of the Lord endures forever.” Do you know why the Bible tells us things like that? its because we’re tempted to think that it hasn’t endured… that it doesn’t reach me in 2009 in this situation. So God keeps speaking to us and telling us “no! it does! it endures forever. It lasts forever. It is for you… God gave up His own Son to death to save you from sin. And He points to that to show you how deeply he cares for you.
He asks you to measure His faithfulness and His love by the cross. If He would do that for me, how much more will he meet me when I’m growing weary in my sickness, when I’m wishing I had that relationship, when I don’t know what tomorrow holds. How much more is God going to care for me. God’s Word tells us that His arm is not too short to save. He is able to meet us in any circumstance… Look back on your life. Not ONE of God’s promises has failed. That doesn’t mean you haven’t faced disappointment. But look back. All of God’s promises to be with you and to be faithful… not one has failed. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart. Not a partial trust.
SO here’s the idea I want you to think about … this kind of leaning (lean not on your own understanding) leaves us vulnerable. If this thing I’m leaning on were to go away I would fall flat on my face. And that leaves me off balance… this is a little scary. I’m trusting in something else. Leaning on the Lord leaves us off balance and we don’t like to feel off balance. A lot of us spend our entire Christian lives running away from the feeling of being off balance. That feeling of being vulnerable… of being held up by God… this is exactly where God created us to live…and that is exactly where we are the most secure than we’ve ever been.” Exceprt by Joshua Harris from sermon at CovLife on 8/9/09: Total Trust.
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