There are things I just do not like to do. There is no good reason for my dislike, but please don’t ask me to do them. Logic doesn’t enter into the picture when it comes to jobs and serving (but should it?). I do not like to take out the trash. I do not like to prepare coffee the night before. I DO NOT like to weed. I’ll do pretty much anything, serve however you ask, but don’t ask me to do those…
Some parents teach their kids to be passionate about sports. Others, reading or the arts. (All perfectly good and fun things to be passionate about!) My parents taught their children to be passionate about serving the body of Christ. I cannot remember a time when my parents didn’t serve. Long before dad became a pastor, I remember him showing up early on Sunday mornings. He ran the transparency machine (back in the day before PowerPoint) and set-up chairs. He and mom led a care group and we always had people in our house. Serving in our house was akin to breathing. As Christ’s redeemed sinners, it’s supposed to be our joy and delight to pour out our lives for others (& the Savior). Dad & Mom taught us this very early on. I love to serve, I feel weird when I can’t. There’s few things I enjoy more than gettin’ r’ done and making things run smooth so people can meet and experience God. But, I was convicted by Sunday’s sermon…very convicted.
“We should never settle for where we are.” – Jim Britt
On Sunday, I wrote in my notes, “I will never be like Jesus so I always have room to do better. You will never be fully sanctified, so there is always room for change, room to do better, and countless ways to reflect my Savior even more.”
I serve, but am I a slave? Do I wear myself out serving or do I serve when it’s convenient? Granted, we’re responsible for our bodies and we should be mindful of what we can and cannot/should and shouldn’t do. But, is itmy desire to serve with everything I have? Or to serve in the ways I prefer? Do I cheerfully take out the trash? Or do I just clean the kitchen? Do I serve in every way possible or do I only serve in ways I like? Do I serve when I’m tired and need some “me” time? Do I serve when I don’t feel good?
What’s my goal in serving? To do my duty (good thing)? Or is it fueled by a passionate desire to be like my Savior? To model Him and serve as much like Him as I can. A couple of things that dad said in his sermon which made me think:
“Stop being in charge (of your life), it’s a fool’s errand.
“We can risk all, look who He (God) is.”
I have a lot of room to grow. I often serve because it has become rote, not because I passionately want to serve Christ and His bride. I serve because I’m proud. And there are so many times I do not serve (especially at home), when I should.
Apart from God’s grace in the gospel (Ro. 1:16), I do not have the power to change or to serve at all. But, thankfully, I do not change or serve by myself. He is with me. All I need to do is repent and ask for help. God gives me the grace, power, and strength to be like Him. I try and He gives me the power and ability. I love my Savior!!!
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Phil. 4:13
You can download the sermon, sermon notes, and application questions HERE.
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