
Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day has never been tough for me. What? But, I’m a single. Yeah, but it’s never been a huge deal in my family. Dad takes mom out, but he also always gets something for his girls. Dad makes it a family holiday. Wishing all three of his girls Happy Valentines Day. He and Jimmy always get Katie and I a little something. And then Dad and mom do something special the day of or the weekend/Monday just the two of them.

So, Valentine’s isn’t “Single Awareness Day” for me. Honestly, it’s just another day. Even as I’m in an extended period of singleness, it’s not much (if at all) of a struggle. I’m so grateful for God’s amazing grace. He is so kind.

However, this week I’ve done something new. I have been praying. Just because, I don’t struggle doesn’t mean my friends don’t. So, to all the girls in SGC, I have been praying for you!!! I hope you have a fantastic day and the Lord lavishes His love on you today.

If you get a chance, check this out: http://girltalk.blogs.com/girltalk/2009/02/a-valentines-day-reminder.html

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) love you. thanks.