
Be Childish

Mark 10:13 And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. 14 But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. 15 Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

Be childish. What? I was always told to act my age. When you’re an adult, who wants to act like a little kid? You’ll just look stupid and immature if you do. But, in Mark 10:13-15 that is what Jesus says to do, “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a child shall not enter it.”

Why would Jesus say this? I think there are many reason and conclusions that can be drawn from this. But in the context of the chapter, I think He was telling the disciples that the kingdom of God was for everyone, children (they were of little use and unimportant in Bible times) included. And that you cannot get saved unless you have a simple, child-like faith in Jesus and what He did on the cross.

I started thinking what child-like trust looks like. Yes, I’m saved and a member of God’s kingdom. But, do I have a child-like faith in God as His child? In all of life do I have that simple faith?

Over the years I have babysat a lot! Children are usually very trusting. They trust you to feed them well. They never question (because it doesn’t exist as an issue in their minds) if the food is healthy, fresh, or safe to eat. You have given it to them, so they know it’s ok. You take them to the store. They don’t question the condition of the van, your driving ability, or the weather conditions. They willing trust you, no questions asked. You take them to the playground and they are thrilled. They run around playing and do not worry about anything. You are there, why worry?

Do I have this child-like relationship with my Heavenly Father? Do I trust and willingly follow His lead with no questions asked? Do I trust Him with the future, laying it in His hands (and leaving it there)?

I have adult-like trust. I know God is in control. I trust Him most time. I trust God, yet I sit and imagine every possible path my future may lead. And then I worry about every single one of them. Instead of enjoying where He has lead me, I anxiously analyze every possibility in my path.

You have to plan, you have to make decisions. but, do you worry? Do you have child-like trust or do you analyze the safety of the playground? Elizabeth Elliot has said that God does not give grace for our imaginings. Why worry over what you have no control over? Just as a child has complete faith and trust in their parents, shouldn’t we/I have complete faith and trust in the Creator of the Universe. Who is also my Father, Savior, and Comforter. I have the Trinity planning and orchestrating my life…tell me again why I worry?

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