
Crazy Na* Story

So, there's always has to be a funny/crazy/embarrassing story at Na. Something always happens to someone...last year I got dragged down a public hallway at the Galt House (can you say embarrassing) by my dear friend. Still no clue what possessed her to do that!!!

I thought I had escaped this year. Nothing happened on the ride up, nothing happened at the conference. Yay! I'm safe...well so I thought. Let me set the stage...

I am sitting in one of our 15 passenger vans (we had 3). I'm sitting behind the front passenger's seat. I was leaning against the seat in front of me (which of course is near the doors), facing my friends behind me, sitting with my legs crossed like an Indian, and sitting a little too close to the edge of the seat. I have an ornery streak in me and it likes to come out when I'm tired. I was tired and feeling a little delirious (God did a lot at the conference...). My dear friend Wendy is sitting next to me talking to JB and Christa (behind her). Wendy is VERY ticklish and really doesn't like to be tickled or poked. But, it's really hard not to because she typically squeals and jumps when you poke her. It's just too fun to resist. P1000062

So, as I'm sitting in a somewhat unwise position, I poke Wendy...STUPID! Well of course she  reacts. She reacts by pushing me and I'm barely on this seat! So I plummet face first out of the van and towards the asphalt below. I really don't know what happened. All I felt was lots of hands and I heard lots of voices. It took them awhile to get me seated since they tried to seat me upright on the little step of the van. :-) It was so funny. I was laughing and feeling very uncomfortable that I was now the center of attention. Everyone trying to make sure I was alright. Later Wendy told me that if JB hadn't grabbed me from behind I would have slammed the asphalt with my head. I'm grateful for God's protection! I'm grateful for many friends (especially JB & Creed) who quickly came to my rescue. The pic to the right is my face after they had seated me on the floor of the van. Wendy's hands (left of the pic) can be seen as she's trying to make sure I'm ok. She felt terrible! I told her that's ok, I know she was trying to kill me. :-) Hey, I started it....I thought it was rather funny and very memorable!


Anonymous said...

still laughing. hahaha. so glad you got a picture to capture this moment! :)

Anonymous said...

Christa H. did...

fenderdude said...

She's still recovering.