
You are always good...

I was sitting at my desk working, when I heard my dad call me from the front of the house. He needed my help. We have termites and they decided to swarm today. They swarmed last week and we had our termite company come out and treat the infected area. Well, I guess they didn't get it all. It was a Saturday so the termite company couldn't come out. So, dad's got bug spray and spraying all over the inside of the entryway and part of the kitchen. He's spraying outside where they're swarming really bad. The only way to kill them all (poison only killed the ones out on the floor and walls, not the ones still coming out.) was to kneel on your knees and kill them with your fingers. So, two hours later, over 1,000 termites on the floor, 4 or 5 tubes of calk, and an entire container of poison, they stopped swarming. Did I mention that dad is still preparing his sermon and that mom & dad are leaving for an out of the country trip tomorrow??? As I was sitting there feeling for my parents and the extra money that this will probably cost, I was tempted to be anxious. No, I was being anxious. But, it turned into an experience with the Holy Spirit. I couldn't get these couple lines from Healing In Your Wings our of my head. It's a song off of Come Weary Saints.

You are always good and loving
Merciful in all Your dealings
Shining like the sun
Rising up with healing in Your wings

Very cool reminder that God is in control of EVERYTHING and surprised by NOTHING!!!


Anonymous said...

i'm cracking up as i'm thinking of you on hands and knees squishing termites. what a country hick you've become!


Anonymous said...

nah, not really. it was always there, it's just coming out now. it's amazing when God works on your heart and you don't give into the fear of man, the real you comes out. ;-) that can be a little scary...