
God's Sense of Humor pt. 3

The Lord seemed to have two portions of Scripture that quickly became "themes" at Na. The constantly popped in my head as the Holy Spirit wanted to remind my soul...

Lamentations 3:21 But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:

22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; [2]
his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in him.”

25 The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
to the soul who seeks him.
26 It is good that one should wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.

31 For the Lord will not
cast off forever,
32 but, though he cause grief, he will have compassion
according to the abundance of his steadfast love;
33 for he does not willingly afflict
or grieve the children of men.

Jeremiah 15:16 Your words were found, and I ate them,
and your words became to me a joy
and the delight of my heart,
for I am called by your name,
O Lord, God of hosts.

Monday: Emily and I had breakfast at Starbucks (in Marriott) on Monday morning. We sat there a rehearsed God's gracious working and mercy at the conference so far. It was very refreshing and faith building. It's amazing how little it takes to fall into unbelief. I can't say that I was hugely affected by any of the sermons on Monday. They were VERY good and I have a lot to apply and change. But, my meetings with God were the highlight. Whether in the quiet times just the two of us (where His voice was VERY loud and REALLY in my face.) or as I walked about and did things at the conference. I've never experienced the still small voice of the Holy Spirit like I did at Na this year. It was always there telling me to do something, telling me to chill out :-), telling me to trust, telling me to watch God provide, telling me to enjoy myself, telling me how much I was loved by God. That was my highlight from Monday. The amazing presence of the Trinity, so very active in my life. It was amazing!!!


Anonymous said...

very encouraging and cool to see what He's up to.

Anonymous said...

:-) It sure will be neat to see if I'm hearing correctly or smoking something. ;-)